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A Foreign Affair

Kiev - Zaporozhye - Odessa - Kiev


10 Days/9 nights

For upcoming Departures Dates

Call Steve at:
602-553-8178 ext 206

Single cruise

In addition to world renown cities such as Kiev and Odessa, you will meet hundreds of young beutifull Ukraine women.

Kiev - Zaporozhye - Odessa - Kiev”

Day 01 - Kiev: Embarkation after 4:00 pm
International flight arrivals to Kiev. Airport pick-up and transfer to the ship. After the opportunity to freshen up, at about 8:00 P.M. there will be a short meeting with the interpreters who will be available to help you during your stay. The idea of this meeting is to get to know the interpreters as well as familiarize you with activities, customs, transportation options, etc. Afterwards you are free to explore the ship and surroundings or simply get some rest. Overnight.

Day 02:

8:00 am Breakfast.

2:00 pm First Social: The Socials will be attended by hundreds of attractive, intelligent, and very eligible women from the area. We strive to make the Socials comfortable for everyone involved, while at the same time optimizing your chances of finding that someone special. Our Socials are private affairs, invitation only. As a matter of fact, prior to each Social you will receive a list of the women who will be attending that Social.

Day 03 - Kiev:

 OPTIONAL EXCURSION:Pirogovo Village and Museum: A quaint afternoon ride to the nearby village of Pirogovo, home to the outdoor Architectural Museum featuring houses from ancient to modern times in an open air environment.
Estimated Price per person – Euro 20

  AT SAIL: Ship docked in port - leaves Kiev at 11 pm

Day  04 - Zaporozhye:
8.00 am
Breakfast. CITY TOUR including COSSAK MUSEUM (bus). Site of the first Cossack state in the 15th Century, this city beyond the rapids is a place of pilgrimage for thousands of tourists seeking to learn the history of the Cossack warriors. The city was built simultaneously with the Alexander fortress on the left bank of the river Dnieper across the island of Khortitsa. City sightseeing tour including the Khortitsa island and the museum of Zaporo Cossacks (with entrance) is included. Lunch on board. Time at leisure. Dinner. Overnight.

Social #2 2:00 pm - Each Social will be attended by a different group of beautiful women. Please remember that the women are attending for one reason and one reason only, to meet you! They are not at all shy about the fact that they have not yet found what they are looking for in their home country, and they are prepared to leave the only life they have ever known in order to build a new life with the right man. During the Socials you will have the opportunity to interact with hundreds of women. We suggest that you talk with as many women as possible. When you find someone you would like to see again simply ask for her phone number so that you can make arrangements with her later, or have one of our staff arrange a meeting for a later date. Introductions are never a problem, simply let one of our staff members know whom you would like to meet and you will be introduced.

Dinnier 7:00 pm
Free time 8.00 pm
Free time to date women you have met during the socils. Expoly the city and night life of Zaporozhye

Day  05 - Zaporozhye:
8.00 am

OPTIONAL EXCURSION: The famous Zaporozhye Cossack Show.
In the 15th and 16th Centuries, the free lands of the Dnieper became a place of refuge for the serfs fleeing from feudal oppression in the central regions of Russia. These people called themselves Cossacks ("free people"). Henceforth, the island of Khortitsa which lies beyond the rapids on the Dnieper became the center of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. Since the 18th Century, the Cossacks were given special military privileges by the Tsars which allowed them the right of ownership over the border lands in exchange for the obligation to guard the borders. A 20-minute bus ride from Zaporozhye, will take you to an exiting outdoor performance of Cossack horse riding, fighting, firearm, sword and whip handling, as well as songs and dances. After the show, the traditional "Kulish" (a kind of goulash cooked in special clay jugs) and vodka will be served. Estimated cost per person: EU 25

Day 06 - Odessa: Arrival to Odessa approximately 18:00 – Docked overnight
Enjoy the magnificent passing countryside as you sail on to the magnificent port of Odessa. On board activities will include another Language Lesson, a Lecture on Ukraine Arts and handicrafts, games and other activities arranged by our Cruise Directors. Arrival to Odessa is planned for 18:00.

Social #3 7:00 pm

Social: The third and final social. Here you will meet the warm and beautiful women of Odessa. Please make sure to attend this Social. To many times clients believe they have already met miss right during one of the previous social. We can not emphasize strongly enough the importance of attending all socials.

Day 09 - Odessa: Departure 19:00
Lunch on board. Afternoon free. Dinner and Overnight.

Breakfast. As all good things must end, bid your wonderful crew goodbye as you disembark and transfer to the airport for your flights home. DOSVIDANYE!”

The "Koshevoi" has a third luxurious entertainment lounge on the sun deck in place of a conference room.

Registry: Ukraine
Refurbished: 2001
Crew: 110 +
Total Decks: 5
V: 220
Length: 125 m
Speed: 25 km
Draft: 3 m (9 ft)
Width: 16.7 m

Cabins are small but clean and functional - approximately 100 to 120 sq. ft with radio, refrigerator, private bathroom with shower, forced air units and closet space. Lower deck cabins have four beds and port holes. All other cabins are outside facing and have big picture windows that open.All cabins are outside. Lower deck cabins are designed for quad accommodations. They are located in the hull, are slightly larger in size (140 sq ft) and feature portholes that cannot be opened. All other cabins located on the 2nd Main (100sq ft), 3d Middle (120sq ft) and 4th Upper (120 sq ft) Decks are all outside and feature 2 lower berths and full picture windows that can be opened. Single Cabins (70sq ft) have only one lower berth and can be found only on the Upper Deck. Every cabin has private shower/toilet facilities, individually controlled heating and forced air, radio P/A system and storage space. All cabins also have little refrigerators. In terms of comfort, cabins are not luxurious, but are clean, practical and comfortable.

On Board and Ashore.
While on board, there is a continuous program of entertainment, including music and dance provided by some of Russia and the Ukraine’s most famous entertainers; special concerts and events on an optional basis; culinary afternoons - the ‘Blinis Caviar and Champagne Party’ is not to be missed - and visits to out of the way places. An English speaking guide is on hand throughout your river cruise to advise and assist you at all times.

• Accommodations in all outside facing cabins
• Three meals daily starting with dinner and
ending with breakfast
• All tours and shore excursions as outlined (except those listed as optional)

• Choir concert (on board – Kiev)
• Visit to local farm including lunch. Fish picnic,
Piroshki and tea party, Blini and caviar party, Champagne party, Folklore concert,
Farewell concert (on board – Odessa)
• English speaking Cruise Directors throughout


  • Costs or airfare and other transportation to Ukraine
  • Costs of transfers between the airport and ship

(may be purchased separately)

  • Costs of your Travel documents including any Visas that may be needed
  • Costs of drinks, liquor, laundry, telephone, souvenirs and other expenses of a personal nature
  • Costs of Optional excursions*
  • Costs of your own Travel Insurance (recommended)
  • Tips to Cruise Directors and ship crew
  • (Recommended amounts will be advised)

Sights & Stops:

Santa Sophia's Cathedral, KievKiev: The Ukrainian capital’s broad avenues lined with chestnut trees are steeped in history. When the streets of Paris were still dirt paths, Kiev had the Golden Gates, paved roads and an amazing rate of literacy among both men and women. St. Sophia’s Cathedral echoes the past glory of Byzantium, while the Pecherskaya Lavra (Cave Monastery) recalls the deep asceticism of early Christianity.

Yalta:  The most elegant resort on the “Crimean Riviera,” Yalta is stunningly situated between the Crimean Mountains and the Black Sea. Dramatic cliffs overlook azure water, and the air is so fresh it seems alive. The Russian Imperial family loved relaxing in Yalta’s lush setting, so Czar Nicholas II created the sparkling white Livadia Palace for them. Livadia was later the site of the historic Yalta Conference attended by Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt.

Sevastopol:  Rich in history, Sevastopol has been inhabited since the 8th century BC. Yet for 70 years, it was closed to outsiders. You will be among the few Americans to see this gracious city, best known as the site of a fateful siege during the Crimean War. Today, Sevastopol is home to the powerful Black Sea Fleet.

Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye is the birthplace of the legendary Ukrainian Cossacks, the mighty warriors who defended the empire’s borders. In ancient times, Zaporozhye was a well-known stop along the Great Dnieper Way, part of the trade route from Constantinople to the Baltic. Here you will be treated to an exuberant display of Cossack horsemanship and swordplay, as well as the expansive hospitality of a traditional Cossack feast. National music, local wines and Cossack vodka are all part of this rousing celebration.

The Opera, OdessaOdessa:  Mediterranean climate and a picturesque setting on the Black Sea have drawn the rich and famous to Odessa for centuries. The city’s most famous mayor, the French Duc de Richelieu, transformed Odessa into a thriving center of commerce and culture. To this day Odessa remains a cosmopolitan city with a world-famous opera house and a bustling port. Tree-lined promenades and classical buildings painted in pastel hues evoke another age.

Kremencug:  Kremencug is an important industrial city of half a million inhabitants. From here we tour inland to visit a local farm.

: Kherson was originally built by the Russians as a garrison for the Cossacks, the fierce warriors who defended the Russian Empire’s southern border against the marauding Tatars and Turks. Today, Kherson is the stepping off point for exploring the Dnieper delta, with its bountiful fowl, fauna, and wildlife.

Kanev: Founded in the 11th century during the reign of Prince Yaroslavl,  Kanev has been ruled by Tatars, Lithuanians, Poles, Turks and Russians.  Kanev is proud of its favorite son, the writer and artist Taras Shevchenko, who is buried here. You will have the opportunity to visit the museum dedicated to this Ukrainian hero.

MEALS: While meals served on our cruises may not be as extravagant compared with Western or ocean going, lobster munching cruises, most of our passengers find the size and quality of the meals hearty and fulfilling. All meals are preset for all passengers (depending on season, passengers may be allowed to choose between 2 main courses). Breakfast consists of a variety of eggs, sausage, porridge, cold cuts and similar. A three or four course meal is served at both lunch and dinner, usually consisting of soup/salad or appetizer, main course (meat, fish, chicken with vegetables) and dessert (cake/ fruit). Coffee or tea is provided free of charge with the meals. Other drinks and bottled water can be purchased at nominal prices.

Port Charges: $154, Air Taxes: Vary depending on airline $146-$194.
Visa Fees: NONE (was $150)

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